
Monday, August 20, 2012

Looking for Beauty

Blogging (8 months now!) has truly given me an unexpected blessing.  I've noticed in the last few months that I'm taking more time to visually look around me.  What am I looking for?  Beauty.  I'm now consiously searching for something to photograph and share.  As a result, I've seen more loveliness in the everyday objects, nature, and people around me.  Life is so much more enjoyable when you take that time to stop and smell the roses.

My family and I recently had the opportunity to attend the Ashtabula County Fair while we were visiting family in that area of Ohio.  Come see the beauty I saw . . .    

Bright and Welcoming

Memories Enough to Go Round and Round

Quiet and Gentle


Unique and Sweet

No Red-eye Correction Needed

Soft Feathered Feet

Black Sheep, Black Sheep
Where is your wool?

Remembering Grandpa's Tractor
"Just Like This!" my husband said.

Fresh Prize Tomatoes

Blue-ribboned Tea Table Setting
(I just had to add this one.)

Fair Ground Flowers

Colorful Rides

Ribboned Jellies and Jams . . .

What's your favorite fair memory?
Are you looking for beauty?



  1. Couldn't agree more blogging make me to take note of surounding and find the interesting things to talk. I really love reading your also. The rabbits are so pretty and sweet !

  2. Congratulations on your 8 months! I officially started 8 months ago too! (Jan 2012) I enjoyed your FAIR post! The Merry-go-Round is BEAUTIFUL! Fairs are a Historic staple in America many generations have enjoyed! Enjoy your week~~~Blessings~~~From one sweetie to another~~Roxie

  3. Congratulations on 8 months of blogging! Your photos are just amazing. I love how you captured all the beauty! I love the tabletop tea competition! That's great. We don't have that here! My favorite parts of the fair are the temporary gardens that people create and the quilts! Of course watching my kids have so much fun is the best!
