
Friday, August 24, 2012

Jabara Hand Embroidery for Friday

Friday's Find
These lovely linen towels have beautiful handwork
on the bottom edge.
I can still see the pencil markings of the pattern
on the top towel pictured above.

This lucky find still has the original tags!

"Portuguese Hand Embroidery"
Benj. M. Jabara & Sons
 (Back and Front of Tag)
These towels sold soon after posting
in my Etsy shop
On a more personal note --
My family and I have embarked on our school year adventure.  This year we're returning to homeschooling after four years at a private school.  This transition is going to take some time for us all.  I know that many of you are also homeschooling.  Any words of wisdom you would like to share? 
Enjoy your weekend.


  1. Hello dear Amy! I always enjoy the linens that you share! I wanted to stop by and thank you for all your kind words on my recent post. I sure am missing my blog and my blog buddies! I figured I would try to stroll around blog land a little today and visit some of my favorite friends! I see you will be home schooling. You are much braver than I am, I do have my children in some great Charter Schools! I really enjoyed your fair visit. The Colorado State Fair just began yesterday. It is about 65 miles from my house. I can not drive right now, and walking is difficult. So I am a little bummed to miss out on this, your pics made me happy!
    God bless you,

  2. Hi Amy! I think your VINTAGE WHITE LINENS are beautiful! I LOVE LINENS~~~Also, GOOD for you in HOMESCHOOLING your children! There is a lot of negative from the worlds perspective but I ADMIRE any mother/father for HOMESCHOOLING their children! I have never homeschooled, but I knew mothers who did (I worked in a family business-fulltime) Every Mother knows her child and his strong/weak points and can teach them to their ability! I pray GOD will direct you and BLESS your family! From one sweetie to another~~~Roxie
