
Friday, January 4, 2013

Hankie Heaven

When I began collecting vintage linens,
I merely focused on linens that were embellished
with beautiful embroidery and crocheted edging.
The needlework called to me.
I really didn't intend to become a collector.
I just picked up pieces here and there
as I would come across them
at thrift stores, estate sales, etc.

Each found treasure would introduce me
to a new pattern or embroidery stitch,
 and I would become intrigued.

It didn't take me long to realize
 I was amassing several pieces --
 Alas! I was collecting.
As I began to read about vintage fabrics and needlecraft,
I was also discovering the beautifully bold
printed tablecloths from the 40's -- 60's.
I'd also see cute little aprons and crocheted potholders.
When I came across them for next to nothing,
I just had to bring them home!

That's how all these beautiful hankies came home with me.
How could I pass these up when a local antique store
was selling them cheap?
  They're in excellent condition.


I used the Christmas hankies in my Christmas decor.

 The West Virginia State hankie is the only
handkerchief I have searched for online.
I wasn't willing to pay the $30.00-$40.00 price tag.

Guess which one I found in the little basket from the store!
How many hankies do you have to own to be a collector?
Oh, dear . . . . .
I'd love to hear which hankie is your favorite!


  1. Evening Amy! LOVE this post on VINTAGE HANKIES! I too, have a small collection. A few I have bought over the years (mostly white ones with beautiful edging like tatting and lace) but my Grandmother gave me a small box of floral hankies(similar to yours)some years ago. Those are my FAVORITES! I cherish them. As for your collection, I LOVE the clock one and the one with the BIG ROSE! Very pretty! And also, I really like your NEW BLOG HEADER and format! Stop by my blog by Sun.(if you can) I'm having a GIVE-A-WAY! From one sweetie to another~~~Roxie

  2. Hi Amy!
    I have a small collection of hankies, also! I bought a large box of vintage linens at an auction and discovered lots of hankies at the bottom. Thanks for boot scootin' on over to share at the Old Time Party!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  3. Oh boy Amy collecting vintage linens is an addiction of mine. I get them thinking I will make something then they are to pretty to cut up. Love all your finds.

  4. I love the West Virginia and the clock hankies.

  5. I do believe you have become a collector! I find myself loving the linens when I see them at the thrift stores. I have convinced myself that I am rescuing them. =)

  6. I just washed and ironed a box of hankies that had been stored away. You have a great collection! Love the state one! I have never seen one like it! How do you display your collection? I am thinking of doing a valance in the kitchen. Thanks for sharing!

  7. What a great collection! I love the state hankies!

  8. Your hankies are so gorgeous!! They are such sweet treasures to collect! xo Heather

  9. Oh my gosh, your collection is beautiful! I love the one with the trees! I came across a huge lot of them at a garage sale last summer, and I sold most of them on Etsy. I regret it a little!
    Erica :)
