
Friday, July 27, 2012

My Library Book

Each Friday, I love to share
a recent find.

Earlier this month, I picked up
a book out of a "freebie" garage sale box.

The 1954 book was a biography
about Clara Barton with wonderful illustrations.

Although the book was in really bad shape,
I thought I could salvage the detailed illustrations
for art tags and such.

I loved finding the school library card and pocket still in the back cover.

Of course, I have my own lovely memories of signing my name
to a school library's book card.  After I signed my name, the school librarian
would stamp a date on the card and the back of the card's pocket.

Although I wouldn't want to go back
 to this type of system at my local library,
I do miss those little cards in the back of the books.

They tell the book's story -- "Look where I've been."

Tucked inside the book were the card catalog records
for my Clara Barton biography.

They'll be great for some collage or tag art.

What have you found recently?

I'm still eagerly waiting for the day I come across a
 wood library card catalog cabinet.

I doubt it will be in the "Freebie" box.



  1. I would love a card catalog cabinet, too. I have seen them, but they were a bit too pricy for me. I am keeping my eyes out, though.

  2. I love the library. I have never run across a bargain like this tho.

  3. We're big book lovers over here and I love the sweetness and wistfulness of this post. Thanks for taking me back to checking out books long ago.

    Happy VTT!

  4. Your book is such a lucky find, especially with those cards tucked in. A card catalog cabinet is on my list, too.

  5. It is always interesting when we find some old things and think about the history in the past. How awesome it is! I sure would like to have one of those old lockers though and use it in our house or two of those old school desks for my kids. :)

  6. Great find. I get nostalgic over the library cards like that too. So cute. I tend to go straight for the housewares and forget to look through the books. I did find a bunch of great books from the 20-40s at a garage sale a while back for 25 cents each. That was a good find. The illustrations look great. What will you do with them?
