
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Free Printable Embroidery Pattern

I recently came across a vintage

piece of embroidery.

I bought a large lot from the seller.

Two pieces were marked "Really Old."

(The idea of distinguishing
"really old" from "young old"
somewhat tickled me,
but that's another post.)

This pillowcase was one such "Really Old" piece.

The simple embroidery of the mirror image squirrels
is done in a single thread of red embroidery floss.

The stitch isn't really a stem stitch. 
The sewer chose more of a rough straight
stitch or back stitch done in red.

I call them my "Dancing Squirrels."

The closest I can come to dating the age
of the design was to find
some 1920 embroidery transfers that
had similar animal characteristics to the above.

The animal transfers of the 40's - 60's
are much more cartoon-like
 with smiling faces and bigger eyes.

Enjoy your
Free Color Embroidery Pattern

Black and White Pattern Option



  1. I LOVE this Amy! It's great that they're not comical looking squirrels too. Thank you for the pattern. I'm going to try it!
    Erica :)

  2. Love your dancing squirrels. They are just to cute. Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. They really do look like they are dancing! How cute! I love simple embroidery like this so much. So nice of you to share!

  4. Hey! I have a new phrase! I am not really old, I am young old. Ha ha!!

  5. What a cute pair of squirrels. They really look like dancing the "Four Steps". How sweet vintage!
