
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Come and visit my backyard . . .

Sometimes we can miss the beauty that's closest to us.
The yearning for the view on the
 other side of the fence can at times
keep what's right at hand in a blind spot.
Last week, I traveled around the backyard
of my own home state of West Virginia.
I thought I'd share some snapshots with you.

Welcome to my backyard!

Tucker County, WV

Wheeling, Ohio County
(You should see the menu board at the restaurant! 
Have you ever tried ostrich?)

West Virginia Golden Anniversary Rainbow Trout!

Pocahontas County, WV
Built in the 30's by Civilian Corps.
This is the oldest functioning hatchery in WV. 

Birds of Prey Demonstration at Greenbrier

Greenbrier County, WV

Ohio County, WV
This museum is in an old school building. 
I took the dollhouse snapshot because I had
the dollhouse on top as a child. 
Now it's in a museum!! YIKES!

Pendleton County

Pendleton County, WV

Randolph County, WV
Civil War Battle of Rich Mountain Site

It was right in this room that West Virginia
became a state during the middle of the Civil War.

I'm so glad those men so long ago made that decision.

Thanks for visiting with me.

What's in your backyard?

I'd love to hear about it.



  1. Amy, Thanks. That is such a great tour! No I have never had ostrich, but I love trout! My backyard has The U.S. Olympic Training Center, Air Force Academy, Garden of the Gods, and Pikes Peak! It is a wonderful place as well!

  2. Oh wow, Amy I love this post! What's in my me get back with you because I need to set out and discover all that there is! Thanks for the post!! We're going to feature this in next week's Ruby for Women line up!

  3. You have so many interesting things in your back yard. I know I'd enjoy a visit to your area.

    My town is very close to the Blue Ridge Parkway. Just outside of town is Poplar Forest, Thomas Jefferson's summer retreat. We are also home to two colleges and a university.
