
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Colorful Tablecloths

I haven't shared any great reads for a while.

Here's a book I purchased for my overflowing bookshelf.
  I'm cleaning out my craft bins and closets
 to make room for great new items
 such as this great resource featuring
 vintage tablecloths by Schiffer Publishing.

Yvonne Barineau and Erin Henderson, the authors,
give readers four different tablecloth sections --
floral, fruit and veggies, conversational,
and the geometric and abstract.

The photographs of the tablecloths
 by David DeHoyos are wonderful!

Although I thoroughly enjoyed the
 tablecloth descriptions and pictures,
 I especially loved the information provided
about cleaning and storing vintage tablecloths
 given in Chapter 5. 

The manufacturers' information in
Chapter 6 along with the photographs
 of the manufacturers' tags are incredible.

My only disappointment was that the price guide
 was limited to pristine and tagged tablecloths.
  Thus, all suggested price listings
 were on the higher estimated end.
  The authors did give an explanation
 for this in the introduction,
but the buyer of this book still be expecting
 to find help for pricing their vintage
 no longer tagged and probably not pristine tablecloths.

This is a GREAT book to own.

Colorful Tablecloths: 1930's-1960's Threads of the Past
Yvonne Barineau & Erin Henderson
A Schiffer Book For Collectors
With Price Guide

To Read More Reviews or find it on Amazon, Click here.



  1. Hi Amy - thanks for stopping by my blog. The image that you commented on is just something that I found on a website for free images / clip art and can be used for scrapbooking or digital projects. I can't remember where I found it, but I thought it was so pretty that I decided to share it. I'll try to find it again and post a link. I love your blog! Please share some of your posts with us in the Ruby community and also for the magazine. Any craft projects / ideas for June? Have a great Tuesday, Nina

  2. I know that I would pour over this book. I love vintage tableclothes.

  3. That really sounds like a wonderful book. I just so enjoy vintage tablecloths. I have been wondering how to get a stain out of one of my own?
    Now, Amy, I hope you accept awards because I would love for you to come over and pick one up at my blog. If not then just know that I think your blog is great!

  4. Thanks for sharing the info about the book! I have just found your blog and am your newest follower!


  5. Love vintage tablecloths? Do you know about The Vintage Tablecloth Lovers Club? Both Von and Erin, authors of the book are members! Would love for you all to join us!

    VTLC President

  6. thank you for the review of our book; most appreciated.
    have you also had a chance to browse through our Vintage Towel book?
    Take care

  7. Thank you for the review of our tablecloth book; it is most appreciated.

  8. Many tablecloth manufacturers are available in market who provides a great designed and colorful tablecloths for people. I really like to collect a colorful table cloths collection. You have share a good information about table cloths.

    Table Cloths
