
Friday, March 23, 2012

We're off to see the wizard . . .

Here's Friday's Vintage Find

I can't look at this little bookmark without thinking of Dorothy's visit to the land of Oz, but this "Ozd" is actually a city located in Hungary.  This souvenir bookmark is cross stitched very well.  I've included a picture of the back to show how neat the stitchwork has been done.


She does have stitches slanting different directions, but we'll let that go since the back is soooo neat!
You can't see any loose threads or knots. 

There is a paper remnant on this end . . . perhaps a price tag or note?

I have a few pieces in my collection and in my Etsy from this estate.  I know the family may have been from Hungary, but that's all I know.  The pieces tell me little tiny glimpses of a story.  Wouldn't you like to know a little about the journey?  At least the journey from Ozd.

Have a wonderful weekend.


"For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past,"
Psalm 90:4

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I like this journey to Ozd. The stitching is pretty. And I really like the colors, too!
