
Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday's Vintage Find

Friday's Vintage Find

This linen tea towel has pulled threads near the bottom hem. . . a little detail, but so pretty.

The stitcher included daisy stitches in pinks and blues for the flowers.  She used brown straight stitches for the borders, and stitched a very nice satin stitch for the blue ribbon.

The oval shape of the flower motif reminds me of an Easter Egg.

What do you think?

Have a wonderful weekend!


"For I am the Lord, I change not;"
Malachi 3:6


  1. it's lovely.Thank you for linking up to the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop xo P.S. I posted the new giveaway at Katherines Corner today :-)

  2. Amy, love the vintage tea towel. I also buy hand stitched items when I find them, they are lovely and someone worked hard on them. Thanks for stopping by, Laura
