
Friday, February 10, 2012

Setting Out the Tablecloth

We've had supper together at the table a couple more times this week than we usually do.  My children weren't too happy at first to leave their television show to come to the table,  but after one minute, they had each other laughing so hysterically I had to "remind" them we were trying to eat dinner.

The dining room table where we eat was bought in 1998 at a moving sale.  In its second life with my family, it has moved across the United States twice, survived two toddlers, served as a makeshift desktop/classroom for our homeschooling needs, and endured mass rotary cutting scratches when used as my sewing table.  Needless to say, the table has more than a few scratches, nicks, scars, and dents.  I almost always keep it covered now with a tablecloth.

I grew up with tablecloths.  Mom used them seasonally and underneath her special china that was used for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner.  Now, I'm a little too busy to keep cleaning and ironing tablecloths every day to put on the dinner table.  I decided to go to my local hardware store and had them cut a large thick piece of plexi-glass the same size as the top of my dining room table.  The plexi-glass weighs much less than real glass and is easier for me to work with when I need to change tablecloths.  The plexi-glass rests on top of my tablecloth and is really easy to clean.  It also wasn't very expensive.  (If you decide to try this, have the glass cutters curve the corner cuts.)

Have a wonderful weekend, and enjoy your dinner table . . . with a tablecloth?

(The vintage tablecloth pictured is available in my Etsy shop which you can visit by clicking here.)

"But godliness with contentment is great gain."  I Timothy 6:6


  1. I love a pretty tablecloth and am always on the lookout for new ones when I thrift.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following you with the Linky follower and look forward to your future posts.

  2. Amy it is so nice to meet you. Thank you so much for visiting me and joining my blog. I am following your sweet blog. Hope we can keep in touch.
