
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Springer Spaniel Embroidery

I love researching vintage embroidery patterns online.
I often see the same popular patterns
over and over again.
Needless to say, I always get excited
when I see something unique.
That was the case when I stumbled
across this painted and embroidered
vintage piece.

You can see the painted fabric clearer on the
background hills.
I'm not sure when this piece was made.
I've seen a similar painted
piece in a 40's McCall's magazine,
but the subject matter was very different.

Having a friend who breeds Springer Spaniels
just made this find that more special!

Here's one of the sweet puppies my children
got to meet recently!

 You can see other great Springer Spaniel
photo's by visiting Springer Haven Farm 

Yes, we have more snow today.  My back deck railing
makes for easy measuring -- at least six inches.
Six inches isn't much in some areas of this country,
but in the mountains of West Virginia,
it doesn't take much to make these hilly roads
slick, slick, slick!
At least that's what I tell my husband
who grew up near Lake Erie's lake
effect snow!
Stay safe.

Monday, February 3, 2014

A Sew Snow Day

It's snowing . . . again.
I thought I'd share some of the craft projects
I work on when I'm at home
for school "snow" days.

I used a Moda charm pack for this long table runner.
 I love the "Little Charmers" patterns.
I used "Little Charmers II" for this lovely.

I also wanted to try
a new stitch on my Viking Husqvarna Sapphire.

These tea towels feature fused appliqué shapes.
The pattern comes from an Art to Heart book.

I really like this appliqué satin stitch on the edging.
I've never used this stitch before.

I'm almost done with the green appliqués.
After I finish the edging stitches I'll add buttons and ric rac.
I made this pieced doll quilt top 
from a 2008 Quilts and More pattern I had saved.
The experience reminded me once again
why I shy away from projects that require
one and a half inch squares!

I do like the look of the piping before the border.  
Maybe I'll use the same technique on another project.

I've also had time to work on some collaged cards.
I incorporated a couple of my fabric scraps into both cards.
Can you see them?

I'm planning on quilting the two table runners this spring.
 Perhaps I'll finish the tea towels this week.
It depends.
The weatherman says more snow is coming.

As beautiful as snow can be, I won't be sad to see it go.

Like my doxies, I prefer to stay inside if I can.  
That is . . . if I can sew!

Be safe!