
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Who's Wearing the Apron?

This coming Thanksgiving Day many cooks will
be donning their handy aprons.
Who's wearing the apron for your Thanksgiving?
Although I don't remember my mother
actually wearing an apron for her
holiday cooking, she definitely
deserved one as pretty as this.
We really didn't have
extended family close by to share the
cooking tasks.
It was up to Mom if our family of five
ate turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes,
cranberry salad, etc.
She never disappointed us!
Once my brothers and I had families
of our own, we began pitching in with the goodies.
Since I've never been a great cook,
I never have to bake the turkey!
I generally take care of at least one dessert,
the sweet potato casserole,
the crescent rolls (thank you, Pillsbury)
and maybe a veggie.
This dainty apron is too small for me to wear,
but I love the pink bias binding and
the floral remnant tiebacks.
Pretty details!
I'd love to hear who wears the apron
for your Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving